Dear Readers, 

I regret having abandoned you without warning.

There were many factors, which pushed me to abandon the blog several times.

Firstly, social media :
- FB wouldn't let me share the blog link, FB identified it as spam
- Flickr rules have become increasingly stricter. So, Flickr has often blocked me, banned me, for inappropriate content, only because I'm not pro, and I promoted the stores

This meant that blogging became more and more complicated for me.

Added to these technical problems, my health. I had serious health problems, which I finally resolved this year, between operations and various treatments.

With this message, I offer you all my apologies, hoping to be able to work together again in the future. The desire to blog never die, I slowly started updating the blog, new social networks, ...
I have high hopes for Primfeed. As for Flickr, I was finally able to recover the account.

You will find all infos on Linktree.

Best regards

Chii Kimagawa


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