Rule N° 477


HAT : Trap - Techwear Bucket @Wasteland from July 30, 2024 to : August 18, 2024
EARRINGS : Ascent - Bloody Razor for Swallow Dropped Ears F/M @mainstore
EYELASHES : LePunk - Lashes VIII Messy (Evox) @mainstore
NOSE PIERCING : Ascent - Basic Piercing Ordi @mainstore
GLOVES : Psycho Byts - Avril @Cosmopolitan  from: July 22, 2024 to: August 03, 2024
SMOKE : Nikotin - Bong Skull @Man Cave from July 26, 2024 to : August 22, 2024
TOP : Over - Desint GIFT @mainstore


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